
The big game project is now on! Bears are already being pumped out and soon they will be moving!

I have worked on a custom shader to have the leaves of our trees rendered on both the front and backside. Looks pretty good, stole a lot from a pre-built shader script in unity for the transparency.  The shadows are not being cast as I want them to (not at all in fact) but getting lit is working fine.

Also started on the path-finding and found that unity had a system to help with that and I actually got a simple follow behavior to work. Will have to work more on it so that it chooses a path instead of going back and forth when the destination is behind a sphere and is moving back and forth.

Spent the morning setting up the coffeemaker, our network and the server for our asset server. Now all the syncing is working and the internet is stable and much better than the eduroam we otherwise have to work on.

All in all a successful day!

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